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How to Add an Avatar

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How to Add an Avatar

Post by Tom » Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:23 am

How to Add an Avatar to your Profile (a picture to your posts).

Some folks have a picture appearing by their name in their posts. Here's how to do it yourself, get your very own.  Ten easy steps with pictures. If you have difficulty, text Colm or me.  Cheers. 

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1. Select and prepare the photo you wish to use as your avatar.  The picture must be sized no bigger than 159 pixels high by 159 pixels wide, and 488 KiB.  Place it in some easily found place on your computer.

2. Log onto TTB, and find your name in the upper right of the screen. Click on your name and a drop-down menu will appear.  See Figure #1.

3. Select from that menu “User Control Panel” and click on it.  See Figure #1.


4. The User Control Panel will have a horizontal row of tabs.  The second tab from the left is “Profile”.  Click on that tab.  See Figure #2.

5.  A vertical row of tabs will appear below horizontal row.  The third tab down is “Edit avatar”.  Click on that tab.  See Figure #2.


6.  You are now at the Edit Avatar screen.  On the middle right of the page you have the opportunity to select “upload avatar”.  Do so.  See Figure #3.

7.  You may now upload your selected photo from your machine.  Click the “Choose File” option.  See Figure #3.


8.  This will open the search function on your machine.  Navigate to the photo you want to use. Figure 4 just shows what happens on my machine.  When you locate your target file, click “open”.


9. You are now back at the Edit avatar screen, and the box to the immediate right of “Choose File” will contain the name of your photo file.  See Figure 5.


10. Click “Submit”.  This step takes a little while so be patient. You are done.


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Tracy Mitchell
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Re: How to Add an Avatar

Post by Tracy Mitchell » Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:09 am


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