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Wherein I wave hello

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Wherein I wave hello

Post by bruise » Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:13 am

Hello all, 

Tracy/Tom found me floundering on a dying forum, liked my critiques and invited me here. I have precisely one poem published (in the wonderfully named The Interpreter's House) and found that as I developed an interest in script and prose writing, my poetry dried up entirely, and that particular powder remained dry for many decades (I'm old). Just recently a friend's expert interest in Sylvia Plath seemed to awaken something, and poetry words started again. I hope it may continue.  

I like to give and receive honest, direct and helpful critique. Empty praise does nothing for me, and hopefully does nothing for you too. I will aim to contribute 3 to 1. That seems fair enough. 

I live with my partner and a growing up son on the south coast of the UK, currently miserably cold. 

I've used this username - bruise - since 2001, when the twin towers attack showed me the use of online fora like this. It is actually related to my family name, but I like that it means both being bruised as well as bruising others and that it confuses people. Anyway, I stick with it, and, if you come across it elsewhere, it may well be me. Otherwise, I appear online using my real name - Ben Bruges. 

Thank you to Tom for the invite. 

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Tracy Mitchell
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Re: Wherein I wave hello

Post by Tracy Mitchell » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:35 am


Great screen name, and great introduction.
So glad you found your way to this site, and glad you are finding your way back to poetry.
I hope this is a place where that can unfold for you.




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