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Re: Mostly

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:53 pm
by Colm Roe
'basically a part-condensation of the philosophies of Sonia Ricotti and Eckhart Tolle'
'It was a crappy little warm-up poem, knocked off in a couple of throwaway minutes'...seriously?

'also the syllable count of 6-6-8-9 as 6-7-8-9 would have been more satisfying although no-one would notice that'...the fact that you counted them (before or after) says it all.

'It remains an abstract surface on which to project reality' (Dave) 

'vague' (Colm)
And please don't waste any more time defending it. (Or yourself)


Re: Mostly

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:37 pm
by Tracy Mitchell
Would recommend a closing line of:

"whenever again is too near", unless that porks your cadence.

Just my take.