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Save the Horses

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:23 pm
by indar
You could cut the general off,
melt him down,
use him to patch the hole
he left along with
the saddle he rode in on.
After all it wasn't
the horse's fault.

Re: Save the Horses

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:12 am
by Mark
Quirky stuff. I'm imagining a Confederate general. Can he be separated from his horse?

In Camden, England, there's a statue still standing of a despotic monarch who was responsible for ending over one million black lives in South Africa by warfare, violence, starvation etc. in the 1800s. That one should go too.     

Re: Save the Horses

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:39 am
by indar
Yes indeed Mark,

One of the many battles being waged in the US in these tumultuous times is over the veneration of all things confederate by a certain segment of the population. You'd think they were the ones that won the war. The defenders call them great American heroes and other inexplicable titles. It was a civil war! They lost!

My proposal to save the beautiful horses many of them ride is done in jest (sort of--I love horses). I also posted this on PC and set loose a maelstrom of really amazing comments some of them from citizens of other countries. I was stunned.

Re: Save the Horses

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:37 pm
by Colm Roe
Like this Linda.
What a lovely idea to remove the warlords and leave the horses.
I'd go even further and leave their melted remains in pools below the horses :)